Coffee Me!

Every once in a while, I come across a product I just HAVE to rave about!

Who doesn’t love LUSH Cosmetics?

The fact that they do NOT test their products on animals should be reason enough. Vegetarian only products. Minimal packaging (less IS more), and P.S., if you return your clean Lush container you get a FREE Fresh Face Mask!!!

In 2007, Lush Cosmetics invented a MUST TRY and one of my favorite products: a beautiful hand and body lotion called Charity Pot. 100% of the purchase price (every single penny minus the taxes) goes towards supporting humanitarian, environmental, and animal rights causes, locally and around the world.

Their staff in every location, in my experience, is very knowledgable and friendly. Just walk in the store, and they have your sleeves rolled up and are slathering you with a hand massage with an assortment of any of their fabulous products.

On my recent visit, I went in with the sole purpose of purchasing a few gifts for my daughter and snagging a couple of items for myself.  Specifically, the Ocean Salt scrub and Cup o’ Coffee  face and body mask.

I had heard my friends rave about this coffee mask and had seen their posts–coffee grounds on their face. I’m not usually a face mask user.  In fact, when it comes to cosmetics (make up, facials, creams, etc.), I’m relatively low maintenance.

It’s Monday, and although I’m trying to decrease my caffeine intake, I decided I had a few extra precious morning minutes to give the mask a try. It’s creamy and grainy at the same time and smells like fresh brewed “Joe.”  A morning wake up call for my face. After about 10-15 mins, I rinsed and really noticed a difference. My skin was firm and noticeably brighter.  Probably the scrubbing action. My skin felt dry afterwards.  I’m not complaining, however, normally I can oil a car with my skin.


I highly recommend this product and all the Lush products; from their dry shampoo to their heavenly bath bombs.  Another one of my favs: the body massage bar, Wiccy Magic Muscles. is amazing after a good workout and a soak in the hot tub.  The cinnamon, spicy, peppermint smell along with the pieces of aduci bean in the bar is a slice of heaven.  I would urge you to use  a container (box, tin, even a baggie) for this body bar -especially if you’re going to keep it in your gym bag.  It’s very melty and a little messy but sooooooo worth it!

If you haven’t already, give Lush a try.  If you have a favorite Lush product, I’d love to hear about it.

Stay strong and stay caffeinated!



A Nod from the BodPod

My palms were sweaty. I was nervous.  I don’t know which is worse- waiting your turn for your yearly  Gyno check-up  and hearing for the millionth time  “Well…you’re at THAT age…” or this?

What was I so afraid of? What is it exactly?
The BOD POD is, after all, “the most accurate body fat assessment known to determine body composition (fat vs. lean). Similar in principle to underwater weighing, the BOD POD measures body mass (weight) using a very precise scale, and volume by sitting inside the BOD POD.” 

It takes less than 6 minutes from the time you tip the lying scale. I swear to GOD I was 4 pounds lighter this morning. Even with the 3 trips to the bathroom since I got there. Are you serious?

“Hi.  My name is Mary and I’m addicted to the scale…”

I stripped to almost nothing, baring no shame…I was not gonna let one ounce of fabric skew the results. I have worked my buns off (literally) since my last
BOD POD appointment-4 months ago-almost to the day.  download

My first appointment was January 2010, the beginning of my weight loss journey. What an eye opener.  I had gone with one of the most fit friends I had at the time, which of course, added shakers of salt to the wounds.
I remember she complained all the way home about how much more she should be doing, eating better, etc.  All I could think was, “Are you joking me right now? I am one clog away from meeting my maker!” I had to get busy and, truthfully, was scared to (almost) death!

I, of course, took it to the extreme.  I joined a gym and was a self-professed cardio addict. Kickboxing, running, swimming, spin class…2-3 times a day.  I ran  5ks, 10ks, tri’s, whatever I could sign up for. I signed up for a bike tour on the HOTTEST day in July (108) and completed 50 miles.  Who does that??? Oh and btw…I was still eating like crap-just not as much.  Bread, pasta, pizza, beer wine–after all, I was just running it all off, right???

April 2012, my second BOD POD assessment was as scary as the first for much different reasons.  I had become an unhealthy 107 lbs.  Believe me, it was NOT a good look. I was obsessed with the scale. However, I was happy with the results-at the time. Although I didn’t clearly understand them.  I had a physical soon after, and my doctor warned me if I lost another pound he would hospitalize me.

I couldn’t win. I knew I wanted to keep the weight off.  I had come so far and worked so fricken hard.  I was proud of my accomplishments.  After all, until 2010, I don’t ever think I ran a mile——–ever.  Sure, I biked, walked the dogs, snowshoed, skied,  and would swim (more like splash at the beach while tanning), but nothing gave me the adrenaline rush that this new cardio addiction sparked in me.

Sweat!  I needed to sweat in order to see results, and I wasn’t stopping until  was dripping!

Since 2012, I have had 2 more “come to Jesus” appointments with the BOD POD.  After educating myself and joining a totally different gym that concentrates on weight lifting, HIIT classes, and still has some cardio equipment and other “toys” sprinkled in for fun. I couldn’t just turn my back on cardio. Make the clean break…“its me, not you cardio”….

I’ve gone through two very patient, supportive, and knowledgeable trainers in the last few years. I don’t know where I’d be without them. I have a great support system of friends, (which is very important), and  I’ve learned to eat clean, control my emotional eating, and exercise regularly. Okay, daily…alright, sometimes 2-3x a day. (I can feel the scowl of my trainers as they read this.)

My BOD POD report last night was better than I had expected.  I was hoping for any positive change.  I knew it wasn’t going to be the caliper readings I had seen a couple of weeks ago-that gave me false hope. But at the same time, I was realistic going into this.

I’m  optimistic with my results but realize positive changes don’t happen over night. I still have miles to go. To be honest, I’m not even sure what a lot of the numbers mean on the report (i.e. thoracic volume, RHR, etc.).  I know I’ve gone from “excess fat” to “moderately lean.”  Lean being the key word here people!!!



I’m still addicted, although not nearly as much as I was, to the scale. I’m more attached to my Polar HRM now (the lesser of two evils), and  I still need the cardio fix. I feel good about how I’m fueling my body.  I also realize that I need to listen to it when my body requires sleep. That’s a topic for another blog post. Zzzzzzzz!!!!

Stay strong!

How does the BodPod work?

What am I?


Since birth, I have been a “non-meat-eater.”

I get SO tired of  hearing, “What’s wrong with you?  How can you NOT  like steak or fish or chicken?”  And then when I do eat something like eggs, turkey, or turkey bacon,  I get sarcastic comments, “Ohhhhhhh, I thought you were a vegetarian?”

My parents tried everything. I don’t think it’s necessarily anything I believe in -although animal slaughter repulses me.  I enjoy the “smell” of steak and chicken and have tried them-gawd knows I’ve tried! I think it’s more of a texture thing.

I’ve attempted recipe after recipe to try to like chicken–even pork, fish, shrimp. It’s a no-go for me, sorry!

Protein is so important with my current lifestyle. It’s a tricky balance. Peanut butter and the controversial soy products are my main staple. Although, I have learned to choke down eggs and turkey–with the right recipes. I can’t do fish-although I do enjoy a good lobster roll-go figure.

Am I a vegetarian? Sorta?

Vegetarianism is the “practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects and the flesh  of any other animal, and may also include abstention from by -products of animal slaughter.”

Ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products.  Are you kidding? I’m from Wisconsin. It’s illegal to not like butter or cheese.

Lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products. A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs, dairy, beeswax, and honey.

So what am I?  I’m a picky eater and a cheap date. Plain and simple!