The Aviary

12190107_791378064321732_8425577185340557047_nAerial fitness is a bodyweight workout that uses aerial hammocks for support or resistance.  Our classes were designed to show you that with proper instruction, anyone can perform basic aerial moves.  The aerial moves are in fact the easiest part of any class since our instructors provide easy to follow verbal cues and hands on assistance to help everyone succeed.  It’s actually the lunges, planks and sit ups you do in between the aerial fun that will have you begging for a break!  Benefits of aerial fitness include:

  • Increased Strength – Our classes work nine major muscle groups:  quads, hamstrings, glutes, lats, core, shoulders, triceps, back and biceps.  Resistance is created by moving your body in relation to the fabric which means you are in complete control over the intensity of your workout. 

  • Mentally Engaged – Ever find your mind wandering during class or that you can’t stop looking at the clock?  With aerial fitness, you have no choice but to be in the present so you can perform moves correctly and safely. Being in the air, holding yourself up by one hand and attempting to wrap your limbs around the fabric requires focus and memory. Boredom is not an option. 

  • Body Awareness – When you start, figuring out how to wrap your wrists, stand or even sit in the fabric can be daunting. Your first time upside down you’ll notice it’s more challenging to perform movements than right side up. When moving into an inversion our brain has to work harder to achieve the task at hand. Everything seems backwards and it’s easy to lose track of right and left.  Over time, your mind and body adapt and you’ll notice how much more body awareness you’ll have, even when you’re right side up.

  • Decompression – Inversions (being upside down) help with circulation, decompressing your spine, relieving back and neck pain, digestion and enhancing your mood.

  • Feel Like a Kid – In our classes faces light up, you hear giggling and laughter, fears are conquered, self-esteem is boosted and a new addiction to being upside down is born.  It’s so much fun you will forget you are working out.

If you want to challenge your limits, get results and laugh as much as you sweat, then give our classes a try.  It may be the most fun you ever have working out.