What am I?


Since birth, I have been a “non-meat-eater.”

I get SO tired of  hearing, “What’s wrong with you?  How can you NOT  like steak or fish or chicken?”  And then when I do eat something like eggs, turkey, or turkey bacon,  I get sarcastic comments, “Ohhhhhhh, I thought you were a vegetarian?”

My parents tried everything. I don’t think it’s necessarily anything I believe in -although animal slaughter repulses me.  I enjoy the “smell” of steak and chicken and have tried them-gawd knows I’ve tried! I think it’s more of a texture thing.

I’ve attempted recipe after recipe to try to like chicken–even pork, fish, shrimp. It’s a no-go for me, sorry!

Protein is so important with my current lifestyle. It’s a tricky balance. Peanut butter and the controversial soy products are my main staple. Although, I have learned to choke down eggs and turkey–with the right recipes. I can’t do fish-although I do enjoy a good lobster roll-go figure.

Am I a vegetarian? Sorta?

Vegetarianism is the “practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, insects and the flesh  of any other animal, and may also include abstention from by -products of animal slaughter.”

Ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products.  Are you kidding? I’m from Wisconsin. It’s illegal to not like butter or cheese.

Lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs, and an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products. A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs, dairy, beeswax, and honey.

So what am I?  I’m a picky eater and a cheap date. Plain and simple!



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